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Do You Have Questions?

We have all your answers related to your curtain cleaning services in Melbourne and its suburbs.

What do I need to do before you enter for cleaning process?

We require you to do nothing to the curtains before we come. Just make your place tidy and secure your belongings for the safe execution of the cleaning process.

How long does it take to complete the whole process?

The time taken depends on the condition of your curtains. Thus our team will guide you about it. You can assume it to be between 2-5 hours.

How can I get your quotes?

You can contact us at our toll-free number and our team will provide you with the best quote in Melbourne.

What is the best way to clean curtains?

Steam cleaning is the best way to clean curtains. Most professionals use a steam cleaner to clean curtains of all types.

How much does it cost to clean drapes?

On average, cleaning one set of drapery costs $100-150. You can expect to pay the same. However, the prices can differ based on your requirements.

How do you clean expensive curtains?

To clean expensive curtains, we check manufacturer instructions and plan your curtain cleaning session accordingly. Steam cleaning is beneficial in most cases.

How often should curtains be washed?

You must clean them at least monthly to remove surface dirt particles. For deep cleaning, you can hire professionals once or twice a year.

Can curtains be cleaned while hanging?

Yes, some curtains can be cleaned while hanging. Also, you can not deep clean them while hanging. So, you can make choices depending on your needs.